New! Direct Inject – Emerald Ash Borer
TreeAzin™ Systemic Insecticide is produced from extracts of Neem Tree seeds. Neem extracts have been used for centuries to control insects. Health Canada’s Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) has granted TreeAzin™ emergency registration for use against EAB since 2008 in Ontario and Quebec (PMRA Reg No. 28929). TreeAzin™ is exempt from Ontario’s Cosmetic Pesticide Ban Act.
TreeAzin™ is injected under a tree’s bark, directly into the conductive tissues, and moves upwards with the flow of water and nutrients. It is formulated to inject quickly into ash and translocates rapidly throughout the tree. TreeAzin™ kills EAB larvae feeding on the tree’s tissues by regulating growth and disrupting normal molting. It also reduces EAB fertility and egg viability when adult females feed on the tree’s foliage.
TreeAzin™ is found throughout the tree at effective levels through the summer and provides two years protection against EAB.
TreeAzin™ is effective against a variety of insects that consume tree tissues. In Canada, TreeAzin™ has been granted emergency registration by PMRA for the control of EAB in 2011.
TreeAzin™ is registered by EPA in the US for the control of:
Emerald Ash Borer
Gypsy Moth
Hemlock Woolly Adelgid
Spruce Budworm
Jack Pine Budworm
Tent Caterpillars
Leaf miners
TreeAzin™ is injected under a tree’s bark, directly into the conductive tissues, it does not pose a health risk to applicators, bystanders, or the environment. For more info on EMERALD ASH BORER: click here